【 410号室 】
Next Door Gallery(韓国) [アートフェア エクスチェンジ]
122-8 Changseong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-034 Korea
TEL. +82-2-730-2560
URL. http://www.nextdoorgallery.co.kr
mail. nextdoorgallery@hanmail.net
創 業 / 2008年
【 主な取り扱い作家 】
Hayoung Kim, Jena H. Kim, Sohee Kim, Jamie M. Lee
Hyejeong Park, Yunsook Park, Wonyoung Son, Jimin Yoo
Founded in 2008, Next Door Gallery is located in a newly renovated Korean traditional house in the Gyeongbok Palace art district of Seoul. The space includes a main exhibition space and an outdoor window gallery, providing intimate milieus for viewing art. As the name suggests, Next Door Gallery aspires to be a close 'neighbor' to artists as well as a comfortable and reliable partner to collectors, critics and gallery goers. Next Door Gallery seeks domestic and international artists that deliver unique and personal insights through their work, balancing the myriad tools of their craft to draw-in the viewer holistically. Ultimately, the aim of Next Door Gallery is to set a commercial ground for promising emerging artists and cultivate a spirited artistic dialog around the issues, trends and personalities in contemporary visual arts.
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